Sergio M. Q. Lima
(Weitergeleitet von Sergio Maia Queiroz Lima)
- Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Laboratório de Ictiologia Sistemática e Evolutiva, Departamento de Botânica, Ecologia e Zoologia. 59978-970 Natal, RN, Brazil.
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Beschriebene Taxa
- Lima, S.M.Q. & Costa, W.J.E.M. 2001. Hyphessobrycon itaparicensis (Characiformes: Characidae): a new tetragonopterine fish from a costal island of northeastern Brazil. Cybium, 25 (3): 233-237. [253233-237.pdf (doi)] Zitatseite
- Costa, W.J.E.M., Lima, S.M.Q. & Bizerril, C.R.S.F. 2004. Microcambeva ribeirae sp. n. (Teleostei: Siluriformes: Trichomycteridae): a new sarcoglanidine catfish from the Rio Ribeira do Iguape basin, southeastern Brazil. Zootaxa, 563: 1–10. (PDF) Zitatseite
- Lima, S.M.Q. & Costa, W.J.E.M. 2004. Trichomycterus giganteus (Siluriformes: Loricarioidea: Trichomycteridae): a new catfish from the Rio Guandu basin, southeastern Brazil. Zootaxa, 761: 1-6. (doi) Zitatseite
- Lima, S.M.Q., Lazzarotto, H. & Costa, W.J.E.M. 2008. A new species of Trichomycterus (Siluriformes: Trichomycteridae) from lagoa Feia drainage, southeastern Brazil. Neotropical Ichthyology, 6 (3): 315-322. (doi) Zitatseite
- Lima, S.M.Q., Cunha, A.A., Sánchez-Botero, J.I. & Caramaschi, É.P. 2008. Vertical segregation of two species of Hyphessobrycon (Characiformes: Characidae) in the Cabiúnas coastal lagoon, southeastern Brazil. Neotropical Ichthyology, 6 (4): 683-688. (doi) Zitatseite
- Costa, W.J.E.M. & Lima, S.M.Q. 2010. Simpsonichthys ilheusensis, a new seasonal killifish of the subgenus Ophthalmolebias from northeastern Brazil (Cyprinodontiformes: Rivulidae). Ichthyological Exploration of Freshwaters, 21 (3): 205-208. Zitatseite
- Mattos, J.L.O. & Lima, S.M.Q. 2010. Microcambeva draco, a new species from northeastern Brazil (Siluriformes: Trichomycteridae). Ichthyological Exploration of Freshwaters, 21 (3): 233–238. Zitatseite
- Villa-Verde, L., Lazzarotto, H. & Lima, S.M.Q. 2012. A new glanapterygine catfish of the genus Listrura (Siluriformes: Trichomycteridae) from southeastern Brazil, corroborated by morphological and molecular data. Neotropical Ichthyology, 10 (3): 527-538. (doi) Zitatseite
- Villa-Verde, L., Lima, S.M.Q., Carvalho, P.H. & de Pinna, M.C.C. 2013. Rediscovery, taxonomic and conservation status of the threatened catfish Listrura camposi (Miranda-Ribeiro) (Siluriformes: Trichomycteridae). Neotropical Ichthyology (Official Journal of the Sociedade Brasileira de Ictiologia), 11 (1): 55–64. (doi) Zitatseite
- Silva, M.J., Costa, B.G., Ramos, T.P.A., Auricchio, P. & Lima, S.M.Q. 2015. Ichthyofauna of the Gurgueia River, Parnaíba River basin, northeastern Brazil. Check List, 11 (5): 1765. (doi) Zitatseite
- Lima, S.M.Q., Vasconcellos, A.V., Berbel-Filho, W.M., Lazoski, C., Russo, C.A.M., Sazima, I. & Solécava, A.M. 2016. Effects of Pleistocene climatic and geomorphological changes on the population structure of the restricted-range catfish Trichogenes longipinnis (Siluriformes: Trichomycteridae). Systematics and Biodiversity, 14 (2): 155-170. (doi) Zitatseite
- Lima, S.M.Q., Berbel-Filho, W.M., Araújo, T.F.P., Lazzarotto, H., Tatarenkov, A. & Avise, J.C. 2017. Headwater Capture Evidenced by Paleo-Rivers Reconstruction and Population Genetic Structure of the Armored Catfish (Pareiorhaphis garbei) in the Serra do Mar Mountains of Southeastern Brazil. frontiers in Genetics, 8: 199. Online: 05 December 2017. (doi) Zitatseite
- Lima, S.M.Q., Ramos, T.P.A., Silva, M.J. & Rosa, R.S. 2017. Diversity, distribution, and conservation of the caatinga fishes: advances and challenges. Pp. 97–131 in: Silva, J.M.C., Leal, I.R. & Tabarelli, M. (Eds.) 2017: Caatinga. Springer. (PDF) Zitatseite
- Ramos, T.P.A., Lima, S.M.Q. & Ramos, R.T.d.C. 2017. A new species of armored catfish Parotocinclus (Siluriformes: Loricariidae) from the rio Parnaíba basin, northeastern, Brazil. Neotropical Ichthyology, 2: e160153[1-8]. (doi) Zitatseite
- Zanata, A.M., Camelier, P., Carvalho, F.R. & Lima, S.M.Q. 2018. Redescription of Hyphessobrycon itaparicensis, a senior synonym of H. sergipanus (Characiformes: Characidae). Neotropical Ichthyology, 16 (1) e170141: [1-12]. (doi) Zitatseite
- Dias, R.M., Lima, S.M.Q., Mendes, L.F., Almeida, D.F., Paiva, P.C. & Britto, M.R. 2019. Different speciation process in a cryptobenthic reef fish from the Western Tropical Atlantic. Hidrobiologia, 837: 133–147. (doi) Zitatseite
- Carvalho-Filho, A., Sazima, I., Lima, S.M.Q., Almeida, D., Mendes, L., Dias, R.M., Britto, M.R. & Gasparini, J.L. 2020. Review of the genus Malacoctenus (Actinopterygii: Labrisomidae) from the Southwestern Atlantic, with description of two new species. Zootaxa, 4819 (3): 499-520. (doi) Zitatseite
- Medeiros, L.S., Moreira, C.R., De Pinna, M. & Lima, S.M.Q. 2020. A new catfish species of Microcambeva Costa & Bockmann 1994 (Siluriformes: Trichomycteridae) from a coastal basin in Rio de Janeiro State, southeastern Brazil. Zootaxa, 4895 (1): 86-102. (doi) Zitatseite
- Petean, F.F., Naylor, G.J.P. & Lima, S.M.Q. 2020. Integrative taxonomy identifies a new stingray species of the genus Hypanus Rafinesque, 1818 (Dasyatidae, Myliobatiformes) from the Tropical Southwestern Atlantic. Journal of Fish Biology, 97 (4): 1120-1142. (doi) Zitatseite
- Silva, A.T., Chagas, R.J., Santos, A.C.A., Zanata, A.M., Rodrigues, B.K., Polaz, C.N.M., Alves, C.B.M., Vieira, C.S., Souza, F.B., Vieira, F., Sampaio, F.A.C., Ferreira, H., Alves, H.S.R., Sarmento-Soares, L.M., Pinho, M., Martins-Pinheiro, R.F., Lima, S.M.Q., Campiolo, S., Camelier, P. 2020. Freshwater fishes of the Bahia State, Northeastern Brazil. Biota Neotropica, 20 (4): e20200969. Zitatseite
- Lima, S.M.Q., Berbel-Filho, W.M., Vilasboa, A., Lazoski, C., Assis Volpi, T., Lazzarotto, H., Russo, C.A.M., Tatarenkov, A., Avise, J.C. & Solé-Cava, A.M. 2021. Rio de Janeiro and other palaeodrainages evidenced by the genetic structure of an Atlantic Forest catfish. Journal of Biogeography, 48 (6): 1475-1488. (doi) Zitatseite
- Medeiros, L.S., Sarmento-Soares, L.M. & Lima, S.M.Q. 2022. A new psammophilous catfish of the genus Microcambeva (Teleostei: Trichomycteridae) from the Rio Doce basin, southeastern Brazil. Ichthyological Exploration of Freshwaters, 31 (1): 1-13. Vorab publiziert: 24. Juni 2021 (IEF-1147). (doi) Zitatseite
- Berbel-Filho, W.M., Pacheco, G., Tatarenkov, A., Lira, M.G., Garcia de Leaniz, C., Rodríguez López, C.M., Lima, S.M.Q. & Consuegra, S. 2022. Phylogenomics reveals extensive introgression and a case of mito-nuclear discordance in the killifish genus Kryptolebias. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 177: 107617. (doi) Zitatseite
- Costa, T.L.A., Petean, F.F., Berbel-Filho, W.M., Solé-Cava, A.M., Mendes, L.F. & Lima, S.M.Q. 2022. Molecular testing of the São Francisco River as an ecological filter for the Brazilian large-eyed stingray Hypanus marianae (Dasyatidae, Myliobatiformes). Hydrobiologia, 849: 2435–2448. (doi) Zitatseite
- Lustosa-Costa, S.Y., Ramos, T.P.A., Zawadzki, C.H. & Lima, S.M.Q. 2022. Review of the armoured catfish genus Hypostomus (Siluriformes: Loricariidae) from the Parnaíba River basin, Northeastern Brazil, with description of a new species. Neotropical Ichthyology, 20 (1): e210126. (doi) Zitatseite
- Medeiros, L.S., Ferreira-Araújo, T., Lazzarotto, H. & Lima, S.M.Q. 2022. Type locality, distribution and conservation of the threatened catfish Taunayia bifasciata (Eigenmann & Norris 1900) (Siluriformes: Heptapteridae) in the Atlantic Forest streams of Southeastern Brazil. Zootaxa, 5154 (5): 595–600. (doi) Zitatseite
- Abrantes, Y.G., Ramos, T.P.A., Bento, D.M. & Lima, S.M.Q. 2023. Molecular delimitation of the seasonal killifishes of the Hypsolebias antenori species group (Cyprinodontiformes, Rivulidae), with description of two new species from the Caatinga coastal basins, northeastern Brazil. Zootaxa, 5389 (5): 545-562. (doi) Zitatseite
- Berbel-Filho, W.M., Pirro, S., Thompson, A., Lima, S.M.Q., Consuegra, S. & Betancur, R. 2023. The Complete Genome Sequences of three species from the killifish genus Kryptolebias (Rivulidae, Cyprinodontiformes). Biodiversity Genomes, (May): [1-6]. (doi) Zitatseite
- Ferreira-Araújo, T., Hollanda-Carvalho, P., Di Dario, F., Mendes, L.F., Oliveira, C., Gasparini, J.L., Rotundo, M.M., Macieira, R.M. & Lima, S.M.Q. 2024. Different roles of the Amazon-Orinoco barrier on the genetic structure of two sardine genera from the Western Atlantic Ocean. Hydrobiologia, Published 02 April 2024. (doi) Zitatseite
- Lustosa-Costa, S.Y., Ramos, T.P.A., Zawadzki, C.H., Jacobina, U.P. & Lima, S.M.Q. 2024. Integrative taxonomy clarifes the armoured catfsh Hypostomus pusarum (Starks) species complex (Siluriformes: Loricariidae) and reveals a new species in the drainages of Northeastern Brazil. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2024 (201): zlae059. Published online: 4 July 2024. (doi) Zitatseite