Bonaparte, 1831
Familie: Pomacentridae SynonymeChromidini Bonaparte, 1831 TypusgattungChromis Cuvier, 1814 |
Agripopa Whitley, 1928
Ayresia Cooper, 1863
Azurina Jordan & McGregor, 1898
Belochromis Fowler, 1944
Chromis Cuvier, 1814
Dascyllus Cuvier, 1829
Demoisellea Whitley, 1928
Dorychromis Fowler & Bean 1928
Furcaria Poey, 1860
Heliases Cuvier in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1830
Heliastes Lowe, 1838
Hoplochromis Fowler, 1918
Lepicephalochromis Fowler, 1943
Lepidochromis Fowler & Bean 1928
Onychognathus Troschel, 1866
Pellochromis Fowler & Bean, 1928
Pirene Gistel, 1848
Semadascyllus Fowler, 1941
Serrichromis Fowler, 1943
Siphonochromis Fowler, 1946
Tetradrachmum Cantor, 1849
Thrissochromis Fowler, 1941
- Bonaparte, C.L. 1831-1832. Saggio di una distribuzione metodica degli animali vertebrati, (1831) Roma, 78 pp. Saggio d'una distribuzione .... vertebrati a sangue freddo, (1832) Roma, 86 pp. Giornale Arcadico di Scienze Lettere ed Arti, 52 (1831): with fishes on pp. 155-189. Also 1832 edition; fishes on pp. 89-123. Zitatseite [:159, 178, als Chromidini]
- Cooper, W.J., Smith, L.L. & Westneat, M.W. 2009. Exploring the radiation of a diverse reef fish family: Phylogenetics of the damselfishes (Pomacentridae), with new classifications based on molecular analyses of all genera. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 52: 1–16. (doi) Zitatseite
- Van der Laan, R., Eschmeyer, W.N. & Fricke, R. 2014. Family-group names of Recent fishes. Zootaxa, 3882 (2): 1–230. (doi) Zitatseite [:116]
- McCord, C.L., Nash, C.M., Cooper, W.J. & Westneat, M.W. 2021. Phylogeny of the damselfishes (Pomacentridae) and patterns of asymmetrical diversification in body size and feeding ecology. PLoS ONE, 16 (10): e0258889. (doi) Zitatseite
- Tang, K.L., Stiassny, M.L.J., Mayden, R.L. & DeSalle, R. 2021. Systematics of Damselfishes. Ichthyology & Herpetology, 109 (1): 258–318. (doi) Zitatseite [: 270]