Rachel M. Aitchison

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Rachel M. Aitchison

  • Pacific Shark Research Center, Moss Landing Marine Laboratories, San Jose State University, Moss Landing, CA 95039, USA.
  • E-mail: rachelmaitchison@gmail.com


  • Aitchison, R.M., Koval, G.N. & Ebert, D.A. 2021. First record of the Banded Guitarfish, Zapteryx exasperata (Rhinopristiformes: Trygonorrhinidae), in central California, USA. Journal of the Ocean Science Foundation, 38: 131-137. (doi) Zitatseite 
  • Aitchison, R.M., Ebert, D.A., Séret, B. & Weigmann, S. 2024. Review of three southwestern Indian Ocean species of Rhinobatos (Rhinopristiformes: Rhinobatidae). Endangered Species Research, 53: 67–87. (doi) Zitatseite