Barbus brevicephalus

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Nagelkerke & Sibbing, 1997

Taxonomie [+/-]

Gattung: Barbus
Familie: Cyprinidae
Überfamilie: Cyprinoidea
Ordnung: Cypriniformes
Überordnung: Cyprinae
Sektion: Otophysa
Untergruppe: Ostariophysi
Gruppe: Otomorpha
Übergruppe: Clupeocephala
Teilklasse: Teleostei
Unterklasse: Neopterygii
Klasse: Actinopteri
Überklasse: Actinopterygii
Megaklasse: Osteichthyes
Klasse: Actinopteri
Unterphylum: Craniata
Phylum: Chordata

Verbreitung [+/-]

Äthiopien: Lake Tana, and tributaries


NAGELKERKE,L.A.J. & SIBBING, F.A.(2000): The large barbs (Barbus spp., Cyprinidae, Teleostei) of Lake Tana (Ethiopia), with a description of a new species, Barbus osseensis. (Neth.J.Zool., 50 (2): 179-214): 2000/02:191ff
NAGELKERKE,L.A.J. & SIBBING, F.A.(1997): A revision of the large barbs (Barbus spp., Cyprinidae, Teleostei) of Lake Tana, Ethiopia: morphological diversity and its implications for taxonomy, trophic resource partitioning, and fisheries: 105-170. PhD. thesis, Experimental Animal Morpholgy and Cell Biology, Wageningen Agricultural University.: 1997:131
DE GRAAF,M.; DEJEN,E.; SIBBING F.A. & OSSE,J.W.M.(2000): The piscivorous barbs of lake Tana (Ethiopia): major questions on their evolution and exploitation. (Neth.J.Zool.,50(2): 215-223): 2000/02:215ff