Tobias Musschoot
Tobias Musschoot
- Royal Museum for Central Africa, Vertebrates Section, lchthyology, Tervuren, Belgium.
Beschriebene Taxa
- Musschoot, T. & Lalèyè, P. 2008. Designation of a neotype for Synodontis schall (Bloch and Schneider, 1801) and description of two new species of Synodontis (Siluriformes: Mochokidae). Journal of Natural History, 42 (17 & 18): 1303-1331. (doi) Zitatseite
- Musschoot, T. & Snoeks, J. 2016. Re-establishment of the genus Monostichodus Vaillant 1886 (Characiformes, Distichodontidae). Journal of Fish Biology, 90 (3): 1080-1082. (doi) Zitatseite
- Vreven, E.J.W.M.N., Musschoot, T., Snoeks, J. & Schliewen, U.K. 2016. The African hexaploid Torini (Cypriniformes: Cyprinidae): review of a tumultuous history. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 177 (2): 231–305 [1-75]. doi: 10.1111/zoj.12366 Zitatseite
- Vreven, E.J.W.M.N., Musschoot, T., Decru, E., Wamuini Lunkayilakio, S., Obiero, K., Cerwenka, A.F. & Schliewen, U.K. 2018. The complex origins of mouth polymorphism in the Labeobarbus (Cypriniformes: Cyprinidae) of the Inkisi River basin (Lower Congo, DRC, Africa): insights from an integrative approach. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, zly049, Published: 10 September 2018. (doi) Zitatseite
- Sithole, Y., Musschoot, T., Huyghe, C.E.T., Chakona, A. & Vreven, E.J.W.M.N. 2023. A new species of Parauchenoglanis (Auchenoglanididae: Siluriformes) from the Upper Lualaba River (Upper Congo), with further evidence of hidden species diversity within the genus. Journal of Fish Biology, 102 (6): 1387-1414. (doi) Zitatseite
- Sithole, Y., Vreven, E.J.W.M.N., Bragança, P.H.N., Musschoot, T. & Chakona, A. 2024. Nine in one: integrative taxonomic evidence of hidden species diversity in the widespread Zambezi grunter, Parauchenoglanis ngamensis (Siluriformes: Auchenoglanididae), from southern and south-central Africa. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 202 (3): zlae121. (doi) Zitatseite
- Toledo-Piza, M., Baena, E.G., Dagosta, F.C.P., Menezes, N.A., Ândrade, M., Benine, R.C., Bertaco, V.A., Birindelli, J.L.O., Boden, G., Buckup, P.A., Camelier, P., Carvalho, F.C., Castro, R.M.C., Chuctaya, J., Decru, E., Derijst, E., Dillman, C.B., Ferreira, K.M., Merxem, D.G., Giovannetti, V., Hirschmann, A., Jégu, M., Jerep, F.C., Langeani, F., Lima, F.T.C., Lucena, C.A.S., Lucena, Z.M.S., Malabarba, L.R., Malabarba, M.C.S.L., Marinho, M.M.F., Mathubara, K., Mattox, G.M.T., Melo, B.F., Moelants, T., Moreira, C.R., Musschoot, T., Netto-Ferreira, A.L., Ota, R.P., Oyakawa, O.T., Pavanelli, C.S., Reis, R.E., Santos, O., Serra, J.P., Silva, G.S.C., Silva-Oliveira, C., Souza-Lima, R., Vari R.P. & Zanata. A.M. 2024. Checklist of the species of the Order Characiformes (Teleostei: Ostariophysi). Neotropical Ichthyology, 22 (no. 1): e230086: 1-548. (doi) Zitatseite