Bleeker, 1849
Überreich: Eukaryota |
Abstammungslinien nach Near & Thacker (2024:121)
Butidae Bleeker, 1874
Eleotridae Bonaparte, 1835
Gobiidae Cuvier, 1816
Milyeringidae Whitley, 1945
Odontobutidae Hoese & Gill, 1993
Oxudercidae Günther, 1861
Rhyacichthyidae Jordan, 1905
Thalasseleotrididae Gill & Mooi, 2012
Xenisthmidae Miller, 1973
†Carlomonnius Bannikov & Carnevale, 2016
†Eleogobius Gierl & Reichenbacher, 2015
†Lepidocottus Sauvage, 1875
†Pirskenius Obrhelova, 1961
Untergliederungen anderer Autoren
Butidae Bleeker, 1874
Eleotridae Bonaparte, 1835
Gobiidae Cuvier, 1816
Gobionellidae Bleeker, 1874
Kraemeriidae Whitley, 1935
Microdesmidae Regan, 1912
Milyeringidae Whitley, 1945
Odontobutidae Hoese & Gill, 1993
Oxudercidae Günther, 1861
†Pirskeniidae Obrhelová, 1961
Ptereleotridae Bleeker, 1875
Rhyacichthyidae Jordan, 1905
Schindleriidae Giltay, 1934
Thalasseleotrididae Gill & Mooi, 2012
Xenisthmidae Miller, 1973
Vom altgriechischen kobios, was kleiner unbedeutender Fisch bedeutet.
- Bleeker, P. 1849. Bijdrage tot de kennis der ichthyologische fauna van het eiland Madura, met beschrijving van eenige nieuwe soorten. Verhandelingen van het Bataviaasch Genootschap van Kunsten en Wetenschappen, 22 [8]: 1-16. Zitatseite [:4, !!]
- Jordan, D.S. & Evermann, B.W. 1896. The fishes of North and Middle America: a descriptive catalogue of the species of fish-like vertebrates found in the waters of North America north of the Isthmus of Panama. Part I. Bulletin of the United States National Museum, 47 (1): i-lx + 1-1240. (BHL)Zitatseite
- Agorreta, A., San Mauro, D., Schliewen, U., Van Tassell, J.L., Kovačić, M., Zardoya, R. & Rüber, L. 2013. Molecular phylogenetics of Gobioidei and phylogenetic placement of European gobies. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 69 (3): 619–633. (doi) Zitatseite
- Betancur-R., R., Broughton, R.E., Wiley, E.O., Carpenter, K., López, J.A., Li, C., Holcroft, N.I., Arcila, D., Sanciangco, M., Cureton II, J.C., Zhang, F., Buser, T., Campbell, M.A., Ballesteros, J.A., Roa-Varon, A., Willis, S., Borden, W.C., Rowley, T., Reneau, P.C., Hough, D.J., Lu, G., Grande, T., Arratia, G., & Ortí, G. 2013: The tree of life and a new classification of bony fishes. PLOS Currents - Tree of Life, 2013 Apr 18: 1-45. Appendix 2 (new classification): 1-21, und Figure S1 (complete cladogram with annotated classification). (doi) Zitatseite [: fig. 3, als Gobiiformes]
- Nelson, J.S., Grande, T.C. & Wilson, M.V.H. 2016. Fishes of the World. 5th ed., Wiley, Hoboken: xli + 707 pp. Zitatseite [:326, als Gobiiformes]
- Thacker, C.E., Satoh, T.P., Katayama, E., Harrington, R.C., Eytan, R.I. & Near, T.J. 2015. Molecular phylogeny of Percomorpha resolves Trichonotus as the sister lineage to Gobioidei (Teleostei: Gobiiformes) and confirms the polyphyly of Trachinoidei. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 93: 172–179. (doi) Zitatseite
- Betancur-R, R., Wiley, E., Bailly, N., Acero, A., Miya, M., G. Lecointre, G. & Ortí, G. 2016. Phylogenetic Classification of Bony Fishes – Version 4. (WWW) Zitatseite
- Near, T.J. & Thacker, C.E. 2024. Phylogenetic Classification of Living and Fossil Ray-Finned Fishes (Actinopterygii). Bulletin of the Peabody Museum of Natural History, 65 (1): 3-302. (doi) Zitatseite [:119, Definition, Etymologie, Phylogenie, Diagnose, Komposition, Synonyme]