Francis Day
Francis Day
- (*2. März 1829 – †10. Juli 1889)
Beschriebene Taxa
- Day, F. 1865. On the fishes of Cochin, on the Malabar Coast of India. Part II. Anacanthini. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London, 1865 (1): 286-318.(BHL) Zitatseite
- Day, F. 1865. The fishes of Malabar. Bernard Quaritch, London, 293 pp. Zitatseite
- Day, F. 1865. On the fishes of Cochin, on the Malabar coast of India. Part I. Acanthopterygii. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London, 1865 (1) (art. 1): 2-40. (BHL) Zitatseite
- Day, F. 1867. On the fishes of the Neilgherry hills and rivers around their bases. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London, 1867 (2) (art. 5): 281-302. (BHL) Zitatseite
- Day, F. 1868. On some new fishes from Madras. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London, 1868 (1): 192-199. (BHL) Zitatseite
- Day, F. 1968. On some new or imperfctly known fishes of India. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London, 1867 (3): 935-942. (BHL) Zitatseite
- Day, F. 1869. Remarks on some of the fishes in the Calcutta Museum. Part II. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London, (3): 548–560. Zitatseite
- Day, F. 1869. Observations on Indian fishes. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London, 1868 (3) (art. 5): 580-585. (BHL) Zitatseite
- Day, F. 1870. Notes on some fishes from the western coast of India. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London, 1870 (2): 369-374 [1-6]. (BHL) Zitatseite
- Day, F. 1870. Remarks on some of the Fishes in the Calcutta Museum. Part I. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London, 1869 (3) (art. 7): 511-527. (BHL) Zitatseite
- Day, F. 1870. On the freshwater fishes of Burma. Part II. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London, 1870 (pt 1) (art. 3): 99-101. (BHL) Zitatseite
- Day, F. 1870. On the freshwater fishes of Burma.--Part I. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London, 1869 (3) (art. 3): 614-623. (BHL) Zitatseite
- Day, F. 1870. Remarks on some fishes in the Calcutta Museum -- Part II. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London, 1869 (pt 3) (art. 3): 548-560. (BHL) Zitatseite
- Day, F. 1871. Monograph of Indian Cyprinidae. Parts 1-3. Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal, 40 (pt 2) (1-4): 95-143, 277-336, Pls. 9, 21-23. (BHL) Zitatseite
- Day, F. 1871. On the fishes of the Andaman Islands. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London, 1870 (3): 677-705 [1-29]. (BHL) Zitatseite
- Day, F. 1872. Notes on fish, collected by Dr. Stoliczka in Kachh. Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal, 41 (2, nos 1-4): 258-260. (BHL) Zitatseite
- Day, F. 1872. On the freshwater siluroids of India and Burmah. Proceedings of the General Meetings for Scientific Business of the Zoological Society of London, 1871 (3): 703-721. Zitatseite
- Day, F. 1872. Monograph of Indian Cyprinidae. Parts 4-6. Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal, 41 (2), (1-4): 1-29, 171-198; 318-327, Pl. 1. (BHL) Zitatseite
- Day, F. 1873. Sea-fishes of India and Burma. Pp. cliii-cccxxxii. In: Report on the sea fish and fisheries of India and Burma. Calcutta. Zitatseite
- Day, F. 1873. On new or imperfectly known fishes of India. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London, 1873 (1) (art. 4): 236-240. Zitatseite
- Day, F. 1873. On some new fishes of India. The Journal of the Linnean Society of London. Zoology, 11: 524-530. Zitatseite
- Day, F. 1873. Report on the fresh water fish and fisheries of India and Burma. Office of the Superintendent of Government Printing, Calcutta. i-cccvii + 1-118. Zitatseite
- Day, F. 1874. On some new or little-known fishes of India. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London, 1873 (3) (art. 6): 704-710. Zitatseite
- Day, F. 1875. The fishes of India; being a natural history of the fishes known to inhabit the seas and fresh waters of India, Burma, and Ceylon. Part 1. B. Quaritch, London, 168 pp., 40 pls. (doi) Zitatseite
- Day, F. 1876. The fishes of India; being a natural history of the fishes known to Inhabit the seas and fresh waters of India, Burma, and Ceylon. Part 2: 169-368, Pls. 41-78. Zitatseite
- Day, F. 1876. On some of the fishes of the Deccan. The Journal of the Linnean Society of London. Zoology, 12 (64): 565-578. Zitatseite
- Day, F. 1877. The fishes of India; being a natural history of the fishes known to inhabit the seas and fresh waters of India, Burma and Ceylon. Vol. I. & II. Text & Atlas. William Dawson & Sons Ltd., London, 778 pp., 198 pls. Zitatseite
- Day, F. 1877. The fishes of India; being a natural history of the fishes known to inhabit the seas and fresh waters of India Burma and Ceylon. Part 3: 369-552, Pls. 79-138. Zitatseite
- Day, F. 1877. On the fishes of Yarkand. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London, 1876 (pt 4) (art. 2)[1876]: 781-807. Zitatseite
- Day, F. 1878. The fishes of India; being a natural history of the fishes known to inhabit the seas and fresh waters of India, Burma, and Ceylon. Part 4: i-xx + 553-779, Pls. 139-195. (doi) Zitatseite
- Day, F. 1880. The fishes of Great Britain and Ireland. 1: 1-64, Pls. 1-27. Zitatseite
- Day, F. 1881. The fishes of Great Britain and Ireland. 1: 65-240, Pls. 28-68. Zitatseite
- Day, F. 1882. The fishes of Great Britain and Ireland. 1: 241-336, Pls. 69-92. Zitatseite
- Day, F. 1888. The fishes of India; being a natural history of the fishes known to Inhabit the seas and fresh waters of India, Burma, and Ceylon. Suppl.: 779-816. (PDF) Zitatseite
- Day, F. 1888. Observations on the fishes of India. -Part I. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London, 1888 (3) (art. 4): 258-265. Zitatseite
- Day, F. 1889. The Fauna of British India including Ceylon and Burma. Fishes. Vol. 1. Taylor & Francis, London, xx + 548 pp. Zitatseite
- Haplochilus (Panchax) dayi Steindachner, 1892
- Sardinella dayi Regan, 1917
- Zarske, A: 2020. Pioniere der Aquaristik und Ichthyologie. 27. Teil. Francis Day (2.3.1829 bis 10.7.1889). Zitatseite [: 70f, Zeichnung, Portrait]