Ernest A. Lachner

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Ernest A. Lachner

  • Division of Fishes, U.S. National Museum, Washington, D.C.

Beschriebene Taxa



  • Schultz, L.P., Herald, E.S., Lachner, E.A., Welander, A.D. & Woods, L.P. 1953. Fishes of the Marshall and Marianas islands. Vol. I. Families from Asymmetrontidae through Siganidae. Bulletin of the United States National Museum, #202, 1: i-xxxii + 1-685, Pls. 1-74. [ (doi)] Zitatseite 
  • Lachner, E.A. 1954. A revision of the goatfish genus Upeneus with descriptions of two new species. Proceedings of the United States National Museum, 103 (3330): 497-532, Pls. 13-14. (BHL) Zitatseite 
  • Lachner, E.A. 1955. Populations of the berycoid fish family Polymixiidae. Proceedings of the United States National Museum, 105 (3356): 189–206.(BHL) Zitatseite 


  • Lachner, E.A. 1960. Family Mullidae: Goatfishes. Fishes of the Marshall and Marianas islands. Vol. 2. Bulletin of the United States National Museum, 202: 1-46. Zitatseite 
  • Schultz, L.P., Chapman, W.M., Lachner, E.A. & Woods , L.P. 1960. Fishes of the Marshall and Marianas islands. Vol. 2. Families from Mullidae through Stromateidae. Bulletin of the United States National Museum, No. 202, 2: i-ix + 1-438, Pls. 75-123. Zitatseite 
  • Robins, C.R. & Lachner, E.A. 1966. The status of Ctenogobius Gill (Pisces: Gobiidae). Copeia, 1966 (4): 867-869. (doi) Zitatseite 
  • Schultz, L.P., Woods, L.P. & Lachner, E.A. 1966. Fishes of the Marshall and Marianas islands. Vol. 3. Families Kraemeriidae through Antennariidae. Bulletin of the United States National Museum, #202, 3: i-vii + 1-176, Pls. 124-148. (doi) Zitatseite 


  • Jenkins, R.E. & Lachner, E.A. 1971. Criteria for analysis and interpretation of the American fish genera Nocomis Girard and Hybopsis Agassiz. Smithsonian Contributions in Zoology, 90: 1–15. (doi) Zitatseite 
  • Lachner, E.A. & Jenkins, R.E. 1971. Systematics, distribution, and evolution of the Nocomis biguttatus species group (family Cyprinidae: Pisces) with a description of a new species from the Ozark upland. Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology, No. 91: i-iii = 1-28. (doi) Zitatseite 
  • Lachner, E.A. 1973. Echeneididae, Pp. 637-640 in:
  • Hureau, J.-C. & Monod, T. 1973. Check-list of the Fishes of the North-eastern Atlantic and of the Mediterranean. CLOFNAM. Unesco, Paris. v. 1: i-xxii + 1-683. Zitatseite  Zitatseite 
  • Lachner, E.A. & J.F. McKinney 1974: Barbuligobius boehlkei, a new Indo-Pacific genus and species of Gobiidae (Pisces), with notes on the genera Callogobius and Pipidonia. Copeia, 1974(4): 869-879.
  • Lachner, E.A. & Karnella, S.J. 1978. Fishes of the genus Eviota of the Red Sea with descriptions of three new species (Teleostei: Gobiidae). Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology, 286: i-iii + 1-23. Zitatseite 
  • Lachner, E.A. & McKinney, J.F. 1978. A revision of the Indo-Pacific fish genus Gobiopsis with descriptions of four new species (Pisces: Gobiidae). Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology, #262: i-iii + 1-52, Pls. 1-11. (doi) Zitatseite 
  • McKinney, J.F. & Lachner, E.A. 1978. A new species of gobiid fish, Callogobius stellatus, from Flores Island, Indonesia (Teleostei: Gobiidae). Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington, 91 (3): 715-723. (BHL) Zitatseite 


  • Jenkins, R.E. & Lachner, E.A. 1980. Hybopsis zanema (Jordan and Brayton), Santee Chub. P. 197 in:
  • Lee, D.S., Gilbert, C.R., Hocutt, C.H., Jenkins, R.E., McAllister, D.E. & Stauffer, Jr., J.R. 1980. Atlas of North American freshwater fishes. Publication of the North Carolina Biological Survey. No. 1980-12: i-x + 1-867. Zitatseite  Zitatseite 
  • Lachner, E.A. & Karnella, S.J. 1980. Fishes of the Indo-Pacific genus Eviota with descriptions of eight new species (Teleostei: Gobiidae). Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology, 315: i-iii + 1-127. Zitatseite 
  • Robins, C.R., Bailey, R.M., Bond, C.E., Brooker, J.R., Lachner, E.A., Lea, R.N. & Scott, W.B. 1980. A list of common and scientific names of fishes from the United States and Canada (fourth edition). American Fisheries Society, Special Publication, #12: 1-174. Zitatseite 
  • Jewett, S.L. & Lachner, E.A. 1983. Seven new species of the Indo-Pacific genus Eviota (Pisces: Gobiidae). Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington, 96 (4): 780–806. (BHL) Zitatseite 
  • Fraser, T.H. & Lachner, E.A. 1985. A revision of the cardinalfish subgenera Pristiapogon and Zoramia (genus Apogon) of the Indo-Pacific region (Teleostei: Apogonidae). Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology, 412: i-iii + 1-47. (doi) Zitatseite 
  • Randall, J.E. & Lachner, E.A. 1986. The status of the Indo-West Pacific cardinalfishes Apogon aroubiensis and A. nigrofasciatus. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington, 99 (1): 110-120. Zitatseite 

