Axel Meyer
Axel Meyer
- Prof. Dr. Axel Meyer, Lehrstuhl für Zoologie und Evolutionsbiologie, Department of Biology, Building M, Room M806, University of Konstanz, 78457 Konstanz, Germany.
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Beschriebene Taxa
- Sturmbauer, C. & Meyer, A. 1992. Genetic divergence, speciation and morphological status in a lineage of African cichlid fishes. Nature, 358: 578-581. (doi) Zitatseite
- Meyer, A., Montero, C. & Spreinat, A. 1994. Evolutionary history of the cichlid fish species flocks of the East African great lakes inferred from molecular phylogenetic data. Archiv für Hydrobiologie, Beiheft Ergebnisse der Limnologie, 44: 407-423. Zitatseite
- Alves-Gomes, J.A., Ortí, G., Haygood, M., Heiligenberg, W. & Meyer, A. 1995. Phylogenetic analysis of the South American electric fishes (order Gymnotiformes) and the evolution of their electrogenic system: A synthesis based on morphology, electrophysiology, and mitochondrial sequence data. Molecular Biology and Evolution, 12 (2): 298–318. (doi) Zitatseite
- Forey, P.L., Littlewood, D.T.J., Ritchie, P. & Meyer, A. 1996. Interrelationships of elopomorph fishes. Pp. 174–191 in:
- Stiassny, M.L.J., Parenti, L.R. & Johnson, G.D. (Eds.): Interrelationships of Fishes. Academic Press, San Diego. Zitatseite (PDF) Zitatseite
- Salzburger, W., Brandstätter, A., Gilles, A., Parson, W., Hempel, M., Sturmbauer, C. & Meyer, A. 2003. Phylogeography of the vairone (Leuciscus souffia, Risso 1826) in Central Europe. Molecular Ecology, 12 (9): 2371-2386. (doi) Zitatseite
- Clabaut, C., Salzburger, W. & Meyer, A. 2005. Comparative phylogenetic analyses of the adaptive radiation of Lake Tanganyika cichlid fish: nuclear sequences are less homoplasious but also less informative than mitochondrial DNA. Journal of Molecular Evolution, 31: 666-681. (doi) Zitatseite
- Salzburger, W., Mack, T., Verheyen, E. & Meyer, A. 2005. Out of Tanganyika: genesis, explosive speciation, key-innovations and phylogeography of the haplochromine cichlid fishes. BMC Evolutionary Biology, 5 (17): 1-15. (doi) Zitatseite
- Barluenga, M., Stölting, K.N., Salzburger, W., Muschick, M. & Meyer, A. 2006. Sympatric speciation in Nicaraguan crater lake cichlid fish. Nature, 439 (7077): 719-723. (doi) Zitatseite
- Lang, M., Miyake, T., Braasch, I., Tinnemore, D., Siegel, N., Salzburger, W., Amemiya, C.T. & Meyer, A. 2006. A BAC library of the East African haplochromine cichlid fish Astatotilapia burtoni. JEZ-B Molecular and Developmental Evolution, 306B (1): 35-44. (doi) Zitatseite
- Bleher, H., Stölting, K.N., Salzburger, W. & Meyer, A. 2007. Revision of the Genus Symphysodon Heckel, 1840 (Teleostei: Perciformes: Cichlidae) based on molecular and morphological characters. Aqua, 12 (4): 133-174. Zitatseite
- Recknagel, H., Kusche, H., Elmer, K.R. & Meyer, A. 2013. Two new endemic species in the Midas cichlid species complex from Nicaraguan crater lakes: Amphilophus tolteca and Amphilophus viridis (Perciformes, Cichlidae). aqua, International Journal of Ichthyology, 19 (4): 207-229. Zitatseite
- Pohl, M., Milvertz, F.C., Meyer, A. & Vences, M. 2015. Multigene phylogeny of cyprinodontiform fishes suggests continental radiations and a rogue position taxon position of Pantanodon. Vertebrate Zoology, 65: 37–44. (PDF) Zitatseite
- Machado-Schiaffino, G., Kautt, A.F., Kusche, H. & Meyer, A. 2015. Parallel evolution in Ugandan crater lakes: repeated evolution of limnetic body shapes in haplochromine cichlid fish. BMC Evolutionary Biology, 15: 9. (doi) Zitatseite
- Franchini, P., Parera, D.M., Kautt, A.F. & Meyer, A. 2017. quaddRAD: a new high-multiplexing and PCR duplicate removal ddRAD protocol produces novel evolutionary insights in a nonradiating cichlid lineage. Molecular Ecology, Version of Record online: 23 MAR 2017. (doi) Zitatseite
- Hulsey, C.D., Zheng, J., Holzman, R., Alfaro, M.E., Olave, M. & Meyer, A. 2018. Phylogenomics of a putatively convergent novelty: did hypertrophied lips evolve once or repeatedly in Lake Malawi cichlid fishes? BMC Evolutionary Biology, 18: 179.(doi) Zitatseite
- Aguilera, G., Terán, G.E., Mirande, J.M., Alonso, F., Rometsch, S., Meyer, A. & Torres-Dowdall, J. 2019. Molecular and morphological convergence to sulfide-tolerant fishes in a new species of Jenynsia (Cyprinodontiformes: Anablepidae), the first extremophile member of the family. PLoS ONE, 14 (7): e0218810. (doi) Zitatseite
- Du, K., Wuertz, S., Adolfi, M., Kneitz, S., Stöck, M., Oliveira, M., Nóbrega, R., Ormanns, J., Kloas, W., Feron, R., Klopp, C., Parrinello, H., Journot, L., He, S., Postlethwait, J., Meyer, A., Guiguen, Y. & Schartl, M. 2019. The genome of the arapaima (Arapaima gigas) provides insights into gigantism, fast growth and chromosomal sex determination system. Scientific Reports, 9: 5293.(doi) Zitatseite
- Hulsey, C.D., Meyer, A., & Streelman, J.T. 2020. Convergent Evolution of Cichlid Fish Pharyngeal Jaw Dentitions in Mollusk-crushing Predators: Comparative X-ray Computed Tomography of Tooth Sizes, Numbers, and Replacement. Integrative and Comparative Biology, icaa089. Published: 25 June 2020. (doi) Zitatseite
- Levin, B., Simonov, E., Franchini, P., Mugue, N., Golubtsov, A. & Meyer, A. 2021. Rapid adaptive radiation in a hillstream cyprinid fish in the East African White Nile River basin. Molecular Ecology, 30 (21): 5530-5550. (doi) Zitatseite
- Meyer, A., Schloissnig, S., Franchini, P., Du. K., Woltering, J., Irisarri, I., Wong, W.Y., Nowoshilow, S., Kneitz, S., Kawaguchi, A., Fabrizius, A., Xiong, P., Dechaud, C., Spaink, H., Volff, J.-N., Simakov, O., Burmester, T., Tanaka, E., Schartl, M.. 2021. Giant Lungfish genome elucidates the conquest of land by vertebrates. Nature, 590: 284–289. (doi) Zitatseite
- Olave, M., Nater, A., Kautt, A.F. & Meyer, A. 2022. Early stages of sympatric homoploid hybrid speciation in crater lake cichlid fishes. Nature Communications, 13 (1): 5893. (doi) Zitatseite
- Qian, Y., Meng, M., Zhou, C., Liu, H., Jiang, H., Xu, Y., Chen, W., Ding, Z., Liu, Y., Gong, X., Wang, C., Lei, Y., Wang, T., Wang, Y., Gan, X., Meyer, A., He, S. & Yang, L. 2023. The role of introgression during the radiation of endemic fishes adapted to living at extreme altitudes in the Tibetan Plateau. Molecular Biology and Evolution, 40 (6): msad129. (doi) Zitatseite
- Du, K., Ricci, J.M.B., Lu, Y., Garcia-Olazabal, M., Walter, R.B., Warren, W.C., Dodge, T.O., Schumer, M., Park, H., Meyer, A. & Schartl, M. 2024. Phylogenomic analyses of all species of swordtail fishes (genus Xiphophorus) show that hybridization preceded speciation. Nature Communications, 15: 6609. (doi) Zitatseite