Ambat Gopalan Kutty Menon

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Ambat Gopalan Kutty Menon

  • (19. April 1921 – 11. April 2002)

Beschriebene Taxa


  • Menon, A.G.K. 1951. On a remarkable blind siluroid fish of the family Clariidae from Kerala (India). Records of the Indian Museum (Calcutta), 48 (1)[1950]: 59-66, Pl. 1. Zitatseite 
  • Menon, A.G.K. 1954. Notes on Malayan fishes in the collection of the Raffles Museum, Singapore. Part 4. Bulletin of the Raffles Museum, Singapore, 25: 5–26. Zitatseite 
  • Menon, A.G.K. 1961. Bascanichthys deraniyagalai, a new eel from the Coromandel coast of India with a key to the Indian Ophichthyidae. Journal of the Zoological Society of India, 13 (1): 13-15. Zitatseite 
  • Menon, A.G.K. 1962. A Distributional list of the fishes of the Himalayas. Records of the Zoological Survey of India, 14 (1): 23-32. Zitatseite 
  • Menon, A.G.K. 1964. Monograph of the cyprinid fishes of the genus Garra, Hamilton. Memoirs of the Indian Museum, 14: 173–260. Zitatseite 
  • Menon, A.G.K. & Yazdani, G.M. 1968. Catalogue of type-specimens in the Zoological Survey of India. Part 2. -- Fishes. Records of the Zoological Survey of India, 61 (1-2) [1963]: 91-190. Zitatseite 
  • Menon, A.G. & Rama-Rao, K.V. 1975. A catalogue of type-specimens of fishes described in the biological collections of R.I.M.S. “Investigator” during 1884–1926. Matsya, 1: 31–48. Zitatseite 
  • Menon, A.G.K. 1977. A systematic monograph of the tongue soles of the genus Cynoglossus Hamilton-Buchanan (Pisces: Cynoglossidae). Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology, 238: i-iv + 1-129, Pls. 1-21. (doi) Zitatseite 
  • Menon, A.G.K. & Rema Devi, K. 1980. Acentrogobius ennorensis, a new gobioid fish from Ennore estuary, Madras. Matsya, No. 6: 54-57. Zitatseite 
  • Menon, A.G.K. 1987. The fauna of India and the adjacent countries. Pisces. Vol. IV. Teleostei - Cobitoidea. Part 1. Homalopteridae. Zoological Survey of India, Calcutta. i-x + 1-259, Pls. 1-16. Zitatseite 
  • Menon, A.G.K. 1992. The fauna of India and the adjacent countries. Pisces. Vol. IV. Teleostei - Cobitoidea. Part 2. Cobitidae. viii + 1-113, Pls. 1-10. Zitatseite 
  • Menon, A.G.K. & Rema Devi, K. 1992 Puntius puckelli a junior synonym of Puntius bimaculatus (Pisces: Cyprinidae). Ichthyological Exploration of Freshwaters, 3 (3): 219-223. Zitatseite 
  • Rema Devi, K. & Menon, A.G.K. 1992. Horadandia atukorali brittani, a new subspecies of Rasborinae (Pisces: Cyprinidae) from Kerala, South India. Tropical Fish Hobbyist, 40 (10): 175-176. Zitatseite 
  • Menon, A.G.K. & Rema Devi, K. 1995. Hypselobarbus kurali (Pisces: Cyprinidae) a new large barb from the south western rivers of Peninsular India. Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society, 92 (3): 389-393. Zitatseite 
  • Rema Devi, K. & Menon, A.G.K. 1995. First record of Parapsilorhynchus tentaculatus (Pisces: Cyprinidae) from the eastern Ghats, India. Ichthyological Exploration of Freshwaters, 6 (3): 279-282. Zitatseite 
  • Menon, A.G.K. & Jacob, P.C. 1996. Crossocheilus periyarensis, a new cyprinid fish from Thanikkudy (Thekkady), Kerala, India. Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society, 93 (1): 62–64. Zitatseite 
  • Menon, A.G.K. 1999. Check list - Fresh water fishes of India. Records of the Zoological Survey of India, Occasional Paper, No. 175: i-xxix + 1-366. (PDF) Zitatseite 
  • Menon, A.G.K., Rema Devi, K. & Thobias, M.P. 1999. Puntius chalakkudiensis, a new colourful species of Puntius (family: Cyprinidae) fish from Kerala, south India. Records of the Zoological Survey of India, 97 (4): 61-63. Zitatseite 
  • Menon, A.G.K., Rema Devi, K. & Vishwanath, W. 2000. A new species of Puntius (Cyprinidae: Cyprininae) from Manipur, India. Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society, 97 (2): 263-268, Pls. 1-2. Zitatseite 
  • Menon, A.G.K. 2004. Threatened Fishes of India and their Conservation. Zoological Survey of India. Zitatseite 

