Alan Tracey
Alan Tracey
- Wellcome Sanger Institute, Tree of Life, Wellcome Genome Campus, Hinxton, CB10 1SA, UK.
- Vertebrate Genome Lab, The Rockefeller University, New York, NY 10065, USA.
- Bista, I., Wood, J.M.D., Desvignes, T., McCarthy, S.A., Matschiner, M., Ning, Z., Tracey, A., Torrance, J., Sims, Y., Chow, W., Smith, M., Oliver, K., Haggerty, L., Salzburger, W., Postlethwait, J.H., Howe, K., Clark, M.S., Detrich, H., Cheng, C.-H.C., Miska, E.A. & Durbin, R. 2023. Genomics of cold adaptations in the Antarctic notothenioid fish radiation. Nature Communications, 14: #3412. (doi) Zitatseite
- Rincon-Sandoval, M., De-Kayne, R., Shank, S.D., Pirro, S., Ko’ou, A., Abueg, L., Tracey, A., Mountcastle, J., O’Toole, B., Balacco, J., Formenti, G., Jarvis, E.D., Arcila, D., Kosakovsky Pond, S.L., Davis, A., Bloom, D.D. & Betancur-R, R. 2024. Ecological diversification of sea catfishes is accompanied by genome-wide signatures of positive selection. Nature Communications, 15: 10040. (doi) Zitatseite